Saturday, July 14, 2012

Outward bound

We were up early and down at the pier loading up Watanga with last minute items and of course the dialysis machine, thanks to Martin and Bryon for allowing us to use their pontoon briefly.  By 8:30 we cast off, the holiday had begun. The wind forecast was perfect but as always in reality, not quite what it said it would be. The first few hours were very wild. Three reefs and beating into a SW f6 with a 3 metre breaking waves.  By the point of no return (half way) it was getting easier, we managed to get some soup down us and by the time we got to Alderney the sea was pretty flat and we were whizzing along.  
Passing Alderney
Something went wrong with my calculation of tidal streams as from Alderney onwards we never got our expected boost down to Guernsey.  The only tricky part of the journey was that I would have preferred not to go down the little Russell channel in the dark.

Nice sunset
We eventually got in at 11:30 after a very tiring 16hrs.  Straight to bed.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Olympic Torch

The OlympicTorch comes through Swanage.  A few pictures for you

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Shiny new Inshore Lifeboat

Swanage gets a shiny new ILB

Monday, July 09, 2012

Summer at Last?

Well the last few days have been pretty good,  A very nice evening at the sailing club on thursday, racing cancelled unusually with zero wind. but at last a sunny summer evening.  A nice social evening with the added attraction of a visit from Graham and Wendy taking a break from their world tour.

Saturday was a damp day but the Summer shindig was a success despite the rain.

Sunday. Good wind for sailing, and an enjoyable race.