Thursday, December 01, 2011


It's been a busy month.  Not long after my last post, things started to go downhill.  Lou and I both caught colds and the dialysis on the boat became a bit tricky because of the cold.  So it was decided that the best course of events was to get Lou back home.   So on the Thursday we, well I, as Lou was so unwell,  packed up everything, tidied the boat somewhat jumped in the car and drove home.  As soon as we got there we had to set up and dialyse before crashing into bed. Quite a day all in all.

Since then things have been slowly improving.  Lou got better,  although we still are coughing and spluttering from the back end of the colds.  We've had a home visit from the hospital to check we're OK.  And I went back with a mate, to get the boat and sail it to it winter berthing in Wareham.

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