Friday, April 25, 2008

Back in the water

Whoo hoo. At long last she's back in the water. After a week or so of bitterly cold east winds, everything calmed down and as you can see, it was a lovely evening to put the last bits of antifoul on the centreboards. I get the last lift of the day and he guys at the yard lift her to about six feet off the ground. They leave her there overnight which gives me about three hours before dark to get the last bits done. .
You can see the difference in draft quite clearly in this shotNext day we set off with four aboard Robert, Mike Greg and me. Stop off at Dorset lake to drop Mike and Robert on Yeta then travelled back in company. .

After a gentle start we ended up with a reef in and were about to put a second in as the wind rose to 25 knots off Old Harry As we entered Swanage Bay it settled down to an easier 17knots as we moored up.