Well August was busy wasn't it.
The carnivals over, the red arrows have done their fly past.
No more fireworks for a bit.

Swanage became a highly populated place with most of the visitors doing their best to get run over. Strange how folks suddenly forget the highway code, walk everywhere at 1 mph and look everywhere except where they're going. It's not only the pedestrians either, There must be 500 cars a day do a three point turn on the bit of road in front of the pier. It's only thirty yards and there's a couple of gates - dead end. Maybe they are all budding 007's and are going to fly off the end of the pier and turn into submarines.
Then there's Shore Road we've had a whole summer getting used to walking in the road, very shortly the sound of screeching tyres will be heard as drivers try to avoid those who've become used to pedestrianisation and wandered into the road without looking first.
Hey -ho and probably nonny nonny too. Septembers here and it's time for the hankies, face paints and donning of bells - it's folk week - Morris men and women, witches, and other strange sights. Still it's only a week