Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Fireworks are cancelled. At a time when the government are pushing for safety on bonfire night and that, rather than let fireworks off yourself , you should go to an organised display. What do Hounslow council do, they cancel the well established firework display in Lampton park. Why? Due to lack of funds apparently, the council now feel that bonfire night is not cost effective. I hope residents of Hounslow remember this on election day.

Meanwhile diy continues apace, spent Thursday stripping all the wallpaper from walls and ceiling, Friday cutting out all the live plaster and refilling with bonding. Saturday continued with finish plastering. I am not the worlds fastest plasterer but I'm starting to be pleased with the results. I must be getting better at it. Downside of the plastering is the tennis elbow has flared up bigtime, I've still got three walls and maybe the ceiling to do!!

All this work is making me look forward to my next visit to Swanage.

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