Sunday, November 05, 2006

How to test the RCD on your consumer unit

It was the classic laurel and hardy scene. I was on a stool painting the wall with a PVA glue solution. I step sideways onto a trestle, the trestle wobbles, I panic jump to the floor, the pot of glue solution (about a pint of) goes over the wall, my shoulder, my arm and the window. expletives follow. Then I watch as almost in slow motion, the solution runs down the wall into the electrical socket and all goes quiet, well until there are a few more expletives.

Then a voice from downstairs says...... you can guess

Meanwhile I'm trying to disconnect the socket to flush the glue out, clear up the mess and stop my shirt becoming part of my arm. -

yes of course I realise the TV's not working!!!!!

Oh and by the way the RCD on the consumer unit works fine.

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