Wednesday, July 25, 2012

2nd day in St Cast

Well , the sun keeps shining and the wind is very light so another day in port.
The houses here are all fairly large and of quite traditional construction, they are well kept and have beautiful gardens. They love their balconies
 The marina is only 3 years old and was completed using european union grant money.  Seems to be a lot of that going on in this region. At the same time they connected the marina to the town by building a winding footpath around the base of the cliffs

There's quite a balcony on this one, more of a terrace really jutting out about 5 metres and is over about a 30 meter drop.
They are quite fond of Storks too.  I'm not sure what the significance is in this region but there are a number of houses with them on.

Top all this off with a lovely beach and it's quite a nice place to be.   Not so sure how it would be if the weather was horrible.

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