Monday, March 29, 2021

March 29th 2021

 Its nearly Easter and we can at last get to the boatyard to do some work on Watanga. First impressions are that she has survived the winter 

Engine mounts have been fitted and I've had a quick run out of it but the fuel looks contaminated with lot of milky substance ending up in the water separator. I did make the error of leaving one tank empty last winter so that no doubt has led to a lot of condensation.  I'll leave that one for the moment as I have a plan to double up on the water filters. and also will need equipment to drain the tanks. 

Next on the list was a new controller for the eberspacer. This has now been replaced with a simpler unit with the added bonus  as it can now function blowing cold air or hot air. I had to take the fridge out to get to the wiring, which was a bit of a mess. So tidied that up at the same time.

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