Rain at times this morning; mostly cloudy Max 19°C
Maximumreliablel® 18°C
RealFeel Shade® 17°C
Winds SSE at 19kph [12 mph]
Wind Gusts 35kph [22 mph]
Maximum UV 1
Thunderstorm Probability 29%
Amount of Precipitation 5.1 mm
Hours of Precipitation 4
Arthritis Index (0-10) 10
What's wrong here?
I was watching the TV program "Rogue traders" the other night and they
stated that if you have your rubbish taken away and subsequently fly-tipped, you
are at risk of prosecution. Who on earth made that one up. Surely it's the fly
tippers who are at fault. If an accountant embezzles money do the employers get
fined for giving him the job? If a politician do'es a bad job do the electorate
get jailed for voting them in (I suppose we do pay for it in a round about way)
but you see my drift. I have been the victim of fly tipping and the last person
I want to get angry with is the poor devil whose rubbish it is. they have
already paid once, It's the greedy, mindless idiot who dropped it I want to see
punished. It's a matter of trust, you trust the man who clears up your garden to
dispose of it correctly. If he doesn't then prosecute him.
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