Cloudy with a couple of showers; windy Max19°C
Maximum RealFeel® 17°C
RealFeel Shade® 17°C
Winds SSE at 24kph [15 mph] Wind Gusts 46kph [29 mph]
Maximum UV1
Thunderstorm Probability 19%
Amount of Precipitation 3.0 mm
Hours of Precipitation 4
Arthritis Index (0-10) 10
Part of the economics of retiring is having enough to live on ad infinitum. At the moment outgoings outweigh incomings and part of the plan was to refurbish the family home to a state where we could rent out rooms for extra income. Well as always it takes a lot longer to do these things than you first imagine. In hindsight, it may have been a mistake to get the boat this early, as it has been a constant distraction. Lets face it lovely hot summer, no work, boat just sitting there, you just have to go and play don't you. Well we did anyway. All in all I am surprised how little I have spent since leaving work. You learn to be frugal.
We have completed the kitchen , lounge, downstairs shower and the upstairs bathroom.

To do list includes
- replaster and decorate 3 bedrooms
- replaster hall and landing and decorate
- new flat roof on extension
- new aerial
- new ridge tiles on roof
- repaint exterior
- build studio in garage
- landscape garden
Then theres the boat to winterise ...... and so on, this retirement is hard work!!
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